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AI Education: Creating A More Inclusive Learning Environment

AI education: Creating a more inclusive learning environment

Inclusion has always been a priority in education. Students from different backgrounds, with different capabilities have to be able to access the same high quality teaching, materials, and learning pathways. If they cannot, not only could they miss out on essential knowledge, the overall class experience is impacted.

But more inclusive education benefits everyone. It fosters more representative discussions and perspectives. Inclusive education ensures that educators consistently recognize and understand the needs of students’, and can accommodate them. It can also support students’ motivation and unique strengths. There is even research which shows that inclusive education correlates with higher graduation rates.  

However, many schools struggle to be inclusive due to lack of funds, resources, and awareness. Fortunately, in the digital age, AI can bridge that gap. AI education not only makes classrooms more innovative, it can make them more inclusive too. Here’s how.

Five ways that AI education can help boost inclusivity

1. Inclusive assessment

AI has a big impact when it comes to how students complete assignments, and how those assignments are marked. For one, AI tools can have customizable interfaces that allows students to adjust features, sizing, and contrast according to their needs. Students with visual impairments therefore don’t risk performing poorly because of the physical layout of an assessment. 

Some AI tools can respond to students’ needs in real time too, or if the tool has sufficient historical data from students’ previous use of the tool, it can automatically cater to individuals’ learning style. For example, the tool could change the phrasing of a question or the presentation of a task to suit the user’s capabilities.

When reviewing assessments, teachers’ unconscious bias is removed too. This matters because studies have found that teacher bias can lead to lower grades among students from lower economic backgrounds.

AI grading systems can be programmed with standardized criteria, meaning that the marking process is consistent and fair. These systems can also anonymize tests, further eliminating possible discrimination or favoritism. And, the algorithms that power these systems are iterative – the more data they have, the better they can recognize and rectify biases, maintaining the highest possible degree of objectivity.

2. Accessibility features

The shift to remote learning during the Covid pandemic brought to light a serious issue – that many students with physical and cognitive limitations were unable to access materials. Accessibility features have since become the baseline in AI tools.

Text-to-speech software aids students with difficulties reading content, and screen readers help students with visual and kinesthetic disabilities navigate virtual pages. Voice recognition, subtitles and predictive text can equally facilitate greater access to education for individuals with dyslexia and other learning disorders.

But these features don’t just serve students with diverse needs. AI tools with such accessibility provide a better user experience for all students because they give students more options to curate an optimal learning environment. For example, students without disabilities may choose to take courses with closed captions because they’re in a noisy place or because they retain written information more easily than verbal information.

3. Personalized learning

There is a proven correlation between AI-based personalized learning and an improvement in students’ academic performance, engagement, and satisfaction. Moreover, personalized learning boosts inclusion by tailoring instructions, tasks, and feedback to individuals’ abilities.

AI algorithms analyze students’ preferences and behaviors and can produce and recommend content that corresponds. Natural Language Processing (a component of AI) can review student responses to assess accuracy and the context and reasoning behind students’ answers. With this data, AI tools can then offer unique feedback to students, explaining how they can improve or why they received a particular grade.

AI tools use gamification, allowing students to earn rewards for activities and compete with other students. Gamification makes complex topics more digestible for more students, and helps students to build momentum on the learning journey. Plus, AI can tailor game experiences to student capabilities, so everyone can access fun learning. For example, Microsoft’s Minecraft education edition uses AI to calibrate in-game challenges according to students’ proficiency levels.

4. Inclusive communication

How AI tools communicate with students is just as important as their functionality. Students need to be able to interact with and understand the resources to maximize their potential.

Real-time language translation lets students who speak another language engage in discussions and receive instructions in their mother tongue. The real-time element ensures that classes and assignments continue without interruption, and students can access all the required information without falling behind.

AI chatbots can similarly give personalized, on-demand support to students. If, for example, a student has a question that they are too shy to ask, they can do so privately to the chatbot, and get a neutral, informative response. Since chatbots are always available, students can learn remotely and at their own pace, not limited by teachers’ working hours.

Some AI tools feature emotion recognition to detect students’ facial expressions and tone, helping educators assess reactions to prompts. It can therefore help teachers intervene earlier if a student is struggling and better adjust their approach to individuals’ learning.

5. Language support

One area of education where AI has been especially effective is language learning. Notably, AI brings dynamic and immersive language learning activities to students’ fingertips. As a result, students who may not be able to afford to travel or hire a language tutor, can access the expertise and content to become fluent in another language.

AI chatbots can carry out dialogues in the target language – where students can define a scenario (ordering in a restaurant, taking public transport) and roleplay with the chatbot. Research reveals that AI chatbots grow vocabulary, grammar, and other skills in students’ foreign language learning. 

ELSA’s AI language learning app can be used for this type of virtual conversations. ELSA AI tutor supplies immediate feedback about users’ pronunciation, intonation, and word choice and stress. Because the app was developed using voice data from native English speakers with an array of accents, it can detect students’ speech patterns and give targeted advice to really fuel students’ progression.

ELSA’s self-evolving AI customizes daily curriculums and content based on students’ performance for optimal learning. ELSA offers over 200 topics and 7,100 lessons for language learning on any mobile device, eliminating geographical barriers.

Inclusion and AI complement one another in education. The more AI tools facilitate inclusivity, the more representative the data that powers AI tools will be. The result is that every student has their needs met and can access great, fair education both online and offline.
Make AI integral to your classroom inclusion strategy. Learn more about ELSA for teachers.

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